What's at stake in the fake?

Indian pharmaceuticals, African markets and global health

Dr Ushehwedu Kufakurinani | People at Fake Drugs Project

Dr Ushehwedu Kufakurinani

Research Fellow
King's College London

Ushehwedu Kufakurinani is an Economic Historian trained at the University of Zimbabwe. Before joining the ‘What’s at Stake in the Fake?’ project, he was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Heritage, History and Knowledge Systems at the University of Zimbabwe. His research interests have evolved from gender and imperial studies to more contemporary economic and social research themes. For this project his research explores bodily desires, fakes (drugs) and sexuality in Zimbabwe. ‘Fake’ products associated with fulfilling individual (sexual and non-sexual) desires, which range from skin lightening creams to sex enhancers, have been topical globally and locally and, by extension, have been a source of great controversy and policy debates. Using ethnography, documentary archives and desktop review of reports and various media platforms, the research contributes to these conversations and stresses discourses around fake-ness, legality as well as perceived or real health threats posed by these substances. Methodologically, he draws on decolonial and intersectional approaches to conceptualising and understanding the circulation, production and consumption of ‘fake’ drugs associated with quenching sexual and non-sexual bodily desires. It is hoped that this research will inform public policy and stir further inquest into policy framing around drugs associated with bodily desires.

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Email: Ushehwedu.Kufakurinani@kcl.ac.uk